Monday, May 21, 2012

Davis bloopers

Ok so since Emerson’s arrival we have had lots of “Funny” moments with Davis and his commenting about all the “fun”things that babies do…

regarding nursing…

*mommy your boobies are very big!

*mommy is she chewing on that….

*mommy has she eaten on the left or the right side…

*(his first look at the pump…priceless) mommy what’s that…it’s what gets mommy's milk out for Emerson so she can take a bottle…oh…makes the exact noise and pretends to be a train….

*mommy you are dripping…

*mommy why are your clothes all wet right there, you need a milk pad? (commonly called a knee pad!ha!)

regarding Emerson…

*every morning, the first questions out of Davis’ mouth are…

-where’s Emerson..does she have teeth yet…does she still have her tag (umbilical cord)

*mommy Emerson won’t hold my hand

*Mommy where are Emerson’s peepers? (eyes)

He has made this experience so new and different and much more fun! Nothing like having a your own private comedian after birthing a child! Love you Davis Walker Dow and make you keep us laughing! I am missing tons but for now enjoy!

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