Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mia’s pictures

SO after my first post I discovered Mia’s pictures on my computer, some of them were just to cute not to share!


20120505_17420120505_175The crew and Davis playing in the waiting room!

20120505_17620120505_177The only time D got to see Emerson not through a window at the hospital!!!


20120505_202Mia and Pops meeting their first granddaughter!

20120505_20720120505_21020120505_21520120505_21620120505_21720120505_218sweet girl in a sweet hat!

20120505_21920120505_22220120505_223I love her, so stinking cute!

20120505_20020120505_22720120505_22820120505_231my sweet angel



Mommy’s girl!


20120505_239Davis and his lil sis best buds for life!

20120505_24220120505_24520120505_247Mia and her grands!

Thanks Mia for sharing your pics, you know how much I love pictures.

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