Monday, May 21, 2012

Mommy got a new camera…sure hope she likes seeing in strobe light!


Lots of random photos from the first few weeks, too cute not to share and keep forever!

IMG_0011[1]may emerson 002may emerson 003may emerson 004may emerson 006may emerson 007may emerson 008may emerson 009

Mommy just got her camera and Mia and Davis were in Kroger, what better photo opt than taking pictures of my sweet baby girl.

may emerson 010may emerson 011Davis loves holding her, but after awhile he says get her momma she is hurting me. See the marks…the wrinkle marks from her on his arm, what a mess!

may emerson 012She loves this finger, sorry, don’t be offended!

may emerson 013may emerson 014may emerson 015Dancing with her daddy!

may emerson 016may emerson 019Mornings spent with bubba are amazing!

may emerson 018may emerson 020may emerson 021we sure love clothes with her name on them!

may emerson 022may emerson 023Emmy spends lots of time sleeping…it’s a tough life!

may emerson 024Davis spends lots of time watching sissy on the monitor

may emerson 025may emerson 026pudding face

may emerson 027may emerson 028may emerson 029 sweet baby girl

may emerson 034Emerson’s welcome home sign from Aunt Laura and Davis!

may emerson 036Emerson spends lots of time playing cars with her brother…ha!

may emerson 037may emerson 038Davis spends lots of time holding his baby sister!

may emerson 039may emerson 040may emerson 041may emerson 042may emerson 043may emerson 044may emerson 045may emerson 046may emerson 047may emerson 048

may emerson 049Thanks for the bubble gun aunt ann, it was tons of FUN!

may emerson 051Daddy’s favorite spot…and Emmy’s too!

1 comment:

  1. Emerson looks a lot like Davis; can tell they are related for sure! Love the finger shot; babies do what they want to do as we all know. Thanks for sharing. You have such a great blog. In your spare time you should write!! Just glad that you share your family with us.
