Tuesday, May 22, 2012




may 001may 002Two of my most precious blessings…

may 004may 005may 006Meme and her grandbabies…

may 007may 008Look what Davis and Meme did. They got ALL of Davis’ trucks and put them around our area rug in the living room…do you think he needs any more trucks….hmmmm!

may 009may 010may 011sweet sister

may 016My amazing hubby had this painting made for me. It is too awesome for words and I cannot wait to pick out the perfect frame and get it hung for everyone to see. Walker has had a rough month for gifts…mothers day, my 3oth, our anniversary, having our second baby….but this present was able to get him through all of those holidays. Thanks for being so thoughtful and creative. Pretty sure you are the best for me Walker dow…the one who knows no money is needed to make this girl happy!

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