Wednesday, September 5, 2012

31 years ago

thirty one years ago Monday my sweet best friend and spouse was brought into this world, boy I am so glad he was. he has been a blessing to my life for the past 11.5 years and I know he will continue to be as long as life continues for the both of us. I hope not only your day of birth was good, but that the last year has been amazing. we brought another child into the world, watched our toddler bloom into a sweet big boy, made sacrifices as parents, bought several vehicles (ha), and most of all grew more in love with one another and christ. I love you more than I ever dreamed possible and I know that will only continue to grow. thanks for everything you do for me, our babies, our friends, family and to encourage me and others spiritually. my favorite things are when you say you are “quiet” when the babies are sleeping, the way you use way too much of everything, that you try to fix everything..even though it takes HOURS, and the way you love ME! Happy birthday!

god thank you for giving me such a sweet husband. bless him another year with your love, mercy and grace. help him be the husband, father, son, brother and friend you want him to be. allow me to encourage him in all aspects of his life and please let him understand his worth is in YOU. it is not his title at work, home, etc, that defines him, but rather his relationship with you. use him to bring glory to your name, and don’t let anyone or anything hold him from that. be with him as he and I make decisions for our family, big and small. guide him in these decisions and allow them to be made with your wisdom. god I love you and thank you for giving me such an amazing spouse!

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