Tuesday, September 4, 2012

4 months …We are rolling now


Our precious Emmy is four months old! She is full of spunk and personality and we love her more and more everyday! She loves to talk, be talked too, watch lights, movement, and her bug brother! She sleeps through the night (12 hours), eats four times a day from mommy and takes 3 naps! She loves to sleep so her naps can range from 2-3.5 hours! She is rolling everywhere, both ways, and is hilarious to watch. She hates being on her tummy, so as soon as she gets there she quickly rolls right back to her back!  She has found her feet and she loves them. We go to the doctor tomorrow so we can find out exactly how big she is but we know she is growing and very healthy! She wears a size 2 diaper and a 3 at night, she sleeps too long to wear a 2! She is still wearing 3 month clothes, but has made an appearance in some of her 3-6 month outfits! She loves to chew on anything she can get her hands on and she loves to grab and hold something always! She is even trying to mimic sounds with her mouth that you make at her. After our doctor visit this week, I am sure we will start some cereal…hopefully, she likes it! She adores her brother and he still very much adores her. He says he will marry her one day and they will go to the same school so he can hold her hand and never let go. Precious!

4 mo 0024 mo 0034 mo 0044 mo 0054 mo 006

4 mo 0084 mo 009

growing so long…almost as big as the changing table!

4 mo 075

bubba taking pictures of his sister, never mind this was my photo shoot!

4 mo 076

taking pictures is getting harder and harder with these two!

4 mo 077

close up on the changing table…

4 mo 0784 mo 0734 mo 074

Look how big my babies are getting!

4 mo 0794 mo 080

Davis always has to climb in bed with her to snuggle, got to say I can’t blame him!

4 mo 0814 mo 0824 mo 0834 mo 084

She has an oral fixation, you think?

4 mo 0854 mo 0864 mo 0874 mo 088

this is what I kept getting when I sat her in the recliner…she would not sit still!

4 mo 089

Finally some decent ones…she was giving in so our photo op would end! HA!

4 mo 0904 mo 0914 mo 092

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