Monday, September 24, 2012

pumpkin farm

Saturday was such a fun day at our house. First, Davis went to Lowes to build a fire engine with his daddy, then the girls met up with the boys to enjoy Green Acres pumpkin farm. We had such a great time picking out pumpkins for our yard. Davis was sure we needed one of all the different kinds…whew! He woke me up at 6:35 this morning to tell me he had decorated his room for fall and did I want to come and see it….bless him!

Davis posing on a HUGE pumpkin

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mommy and her little pumpkins

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Daddy sure had his hands full!

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Davis literally picked up every pumpkin he could lift to see if we could buy it..

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Posing in the sea of pumpkins…it only took seven takes…

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Davis posing with pups!

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Daddy and his pumpkins

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I love my sweet family and fall activities!

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Counting my blessings daily! Love my children and my adorable husband that provides me with love and happiness every day!

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