Wednesday, September 19, 2012

SURPRISE…Davis’ dreams come true…we got a truck!!!

Our car has been acting up lately and we decided its best to get rid of it before worse things start to happen and guess what Walker picked out…a TRUCK! He made his little boy oh so very happy! Never seen anything like his love for trucks! He even got to ride with Walker and his Pawpaw to pick it up! He was so good even if he did ask a million questions on the 3.5 hour car ride. The dealer even had a jeep for him as a surprise…its in some of the pictures on the side…

I mean look at this face….

truck 004truck 005

the new truck…

truck 007truck 008truck 009

Meme came to spend the day with us while the boys went to get the truck…

truck 011

truck 012davis would not kissing emmy when he got back, difficult to take a picture this way…

truck 013my best attempt

He has probably asked a billion times if our white car has sold yet. Bless him he is so worried it might have to sit on the lot without an owner!


After the boys got home with the truck it was TN football time, so we headed to our neighbors for a football party! Between the fire alarms going off, seeing Matt wrapped in a towel trying to put out our fire, smoke in the house, we had a blast and will never forget all of our fun memories!

truck 014walker holding E during the game…

truck 015jill trying to figure out what went wrong in the kitchen…

truck 016jack and d playing on the ipad

truck 017davis sure does love ellie

truck 018the boys will be boys

truck 019dips and chips

truck 022truck 023go vols

truck 024jack was uninterested it he game..he had he ipad to play with

truck 025truck 026yummy PIZZA

We may have lost the game, but we sure did have a great night with great friends! Love you guys!

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