Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I am so glad I have crafty friends to lean on when I am feeling not so crafty!! LA is an amazing crafty person who can make anything pretty and she sure did exceed our expectation for a craft yesterday! We made gourd people, and they were the cutest fall craft I have ever seen. The kids enjoyed the nature walk before hand collecting things we might need for our people and we sure did have fun putting them all together!

They were so cute pickling out what would be their eyes, nose, mouth,etc.


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Checking out the final products…

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Can you get any cuter…this girl is hilarious!

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sept 019Davis and his creation…

sept 021Davis and Emerson..note the pacifier in Emmy’s mouth!!

sept 022 The Barrios family…

While Ms. LA cleaned up I took the kids out to paint pumpkins, something more on my crafty level! HA! We had such a great time painting the bumps on our pumpkins!

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I had to include this sweet photos and videos. I am telling you I have never seen such sibling bonding at such an early age. Emmy is fourth months and this girl is head over heels for her brother..check it out. He was running circles around her and she was solemn until she saw his face and then she not only smiled she belly laughed! AHHH, love my sweet babies!


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