Monday, September 10, 2012

camping we will go


we got to go for a mini camping adventure this weekend and had fun relaxing, eating and visiting. I ran a race early Saturday morning so walker, Emmy and I only got to spend one night at the campsite; however, Davis left a little early to spend some time with Pawpaw. Daddy and Emmy got some really great time together! Such a sweet daddy and lil girl! Check out those faces…

camping 002camping 003camping 004camping 005camping 006camping 007camping 008

 camping 009

cashed out on the way to our camping adventure…

camping 010d with the other kids on their scooters..

camping 012 emmy hanging out with seth

camping 011camping 013camping 014camping 015camping 016camping 017camping 018love love this little face…

We had a great time and cannot wait till our next camping adventure!

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