Sunday, December 2, 2012

Emerson Oneita is seven months old

Here it is December 2 and you are another month old. How can it be possible? I’m not believe how fast time is flying bye and I treasure each moment we have together! You are the sweetest, most snuggliest, happiest baby I know and moments with you are full of happiness!

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You really wanted your tree while in your chair…so we let you see what it was all about…

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the tree…

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This photo shoot was pretty tough since you are now mobile (despite my best efforts to keep you from crawling!). Such a sweet girl, just wanting to show off her new tricks!

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Daddy thinks you look like his Maw here…

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Still no teeth, but who is complaining? not this nursing momma!

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Your bubba started reading a book during the shoot and you couldn’t stand popped in his lap and read with him…sweet siblings!

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Next, for the infamous crib shots…

Look how much you are growing!

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At seven months you are about as precious as they come. You are very laid back (like daddy), you eat fabulous (like daddy), and you sleep great (like daddy). Good thing I feed you that sweet momma’s milk or you would be with your daddy all the time! You still love that sweet bubba of yours and he is still crazy about you! He is so protective with you crawling and getting into little things that he is my number one babysitter! Your biggest accomplishments this month is that you are crawling and eating solids like a big girl! You sure do love to eat with your family and feel so big eating your puffs. (which you are able to feed to yourself!) You are still eating four times a day, napping three times a day and sleeping all night. You no longer want to be swaddled and squished with a pillow on your side so you are all over that crib of yours and all your naps are in your bed now! You are babbling and talking more and more these days…saying mama, dada, bbbb, blowing bubbles and eating/sucking on everything you can get your hands on!

God thank you for blessing our family with such a sweet girl. I pray a special blessing on her that she is able to grow healthy and strong and live for you always! Allow us to be parents of faith so she is challenged and encouraged by our walk. Thank you for our blessing and loving us so.

Happy seven months precious E. WE love you to the moon and back. Mommy and Daddy are your biggest fans!

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