Monday, December 10, 2012

Skyline Christmas program

We enjoyed an evening at the church building with the children telling the precious story of Jesus. Davis was thrilled to be a part of tonight and was so proud he learned the songs and sat and even prayed with all his new friends!

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We were so excited to see some of our favorite buddies from Milan..Bartin and Blair!

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Miss Cayla even came to watch Davis and of course snuggle with ms. Emmy!

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Davis and his buddy Jayleigh. She planted a kiss on his cheek and told him she wished she could marry him! He quickly told her he was going to marry his sister and she said that’s ok my daddy won’t let me marry you!

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Davis and Emerson meet Santa or HOHO! They both did fabulous! Whew! SO proud of my sweet babies! Emerson sure loved his beard, hat and glasses though!

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Davis making sure HOHO know he as been nice and telling him what he and his sissy want for Christmas!

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All the children had a piece of artwork framed and Davis was so very proud of his!

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The family at the program!

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My attempt at a brother sister such luck with my crawling little one!

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We got home and these two started to have their own performance…

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