Saturday, December 15, 2012

winter wonderland

This week has a been a sweet one with lots of memories, play time, crafts, visitors, reached new milestones, etc.! I cherish each day with my sweet babies and love being their mommy!

I just love making crafts with my sweet babies and this week we did several…The first was this sweet handprint Rudolph. Davis was so proud he took them straight to our tree and hung them for everyone to see!

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Sweet barney faces

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THis girl is off…she is EVERYWHERE! WHEW! I’m tired!

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Davis and Fredrick..he wanted his picture with him so bad!

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Emerson is growing so much so quick..Look who pulled up all by herself, you think she was proud or what? Her big brother was a little excited too!

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Davis is SO into LEGOS and it has taken his imagination up a notch..didn’t even know that was possible! Anyway, this is Santa and his reindeer…WOW!

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Emerson sure does love her table…she can do all the little buttons and such on it and she is so proud of herself!

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Emerson and Davis holding their cardboard craft..they turned out so cute even though you can’t see them here to well.

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Blessed to have two of the sweetest little ones that love to play together!

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cuddles with daddy..we sure love watching Christmas movies this year…

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One of our favorite dives in Milan had FREE ice-cream today and who can say no to that? Not the Wellington’s. Thanks for some great ice-cream and coffee (for Daddy!)!

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Funnies/Ponders from a three year old:

Davis said mommy Jesus lives in your heart, is he in sissy’s heart yet?

Mommy when we see hoho tomorrow, will it be the real one or the just pretend one?

Mommy I looked at Fredrick (our elf on the shelf) and he does not have wings so how does he move from place to place?

Daddy told Davis he would be going hunting so he would not see him in the morning before work..Davis looks at him and says “I mean are you kidding me, you don’t want to hunt with me?”

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