Wednesday, December 26, 2012


It snowed! We were so excited about the snow we got last night that Davis and I rushed out to play when we laid Emerson down to nap! Of course he had to get his morning loving, and so did she! What sweet babies!

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It was a beautiful snow!

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Davis sure did enjoy playing in the fluffy white stuff

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especially the snow on his play set..he said mommy how did it get on here?

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He loved the snow, and it was great for making snow balls…to throw at ME!

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He thought he might be able to see some deer playing in the snow…

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Our snow was little but he sure was cute!

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Davis needed to take him down..only so he cold throw snow balls at ME!

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We came in to warm up and drink some hot chocolate!

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When Emerson woke up, we decided she needed to meet the snow…she immediately touched it..

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she didn’t mind it a bit..the wind was killer though!

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My sweet snow angels!

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All bundled up and ready to get warm..bless her!

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Her brother decided she needed to take a ride in his trailer!

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Do you think she enjoyed it?

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