Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Flu shots made all better with Emerson’s first visit to Chuckie Cheese

We had to get Davis flu mist today and Emerson’s 2nd flu shot so…we made the best of it and headed to see Chuckie too!

Waiting patiently on their shots/mists.

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Davis made sure the nurse knew he was only there for a flu mist, not a shot. He said, “Mom make sure she knows sissy gets the shot and I get the mist!” Bless him!

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We arrived at chuckies just like we like too…early! We had the place to our selves and the kids enjoyed themselves!

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riding the carousel together. not sure who was more excited, d because is sister can finally ride with him or sissy for being able to ride…

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you can’t tell it by her face, but she loved the rides. she would bounce and dance just like her big brother!

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riding the chuckie car…she sure loved driving with her big brother

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school bus time…I think D loves this because I told him he would not ride a school bus to school! HA!

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Before we left we cashed in his tickets, which we had been saving up and the lady asked if he wanted to wait a second and see chuckie. He looked at her and said, “No I’m tired of this place, I’m ready to go home!” HA!

We stopped by the mall for a quick something and look who we saw at Chick Fila…the one and only. Davis said, “Mommy is that the real Santa or just pretend, his beard does not look real. Maybe he is just the Jackson mall Santa.” Oh my this boy is too smart!

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first car picture

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first mommy, Davis, Emerson picture!! Love that solemn face to pieces!

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