Wednesday, May 8, 2013

BIRTHDAY DAY and rest of the trip

We even did a little fishing on our beach trip. It wasn’t successful, but we had fun, that’s all that matters, right?

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Emmy enjoyed the fish food, aka bread!

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This girl is a mess..always hungry!

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I think she knew it was her birthday!!!

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She sure has her daddy wrapped!

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and her momma and bubba!

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Emerson you are one special girl..turning one on the beach!

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Man, I love this little stinker!

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Davis and I sitting in our hole we dug!

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A birthday on the beach can wear a girl out…sleeping in style!

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Good thing we had our Mia along on our trip, Emerson loved her snuggles!

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Our ride for our trip, yep, we rode in style!

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My sweet birthday girl…

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giving daddy a one year hug!

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eating at the back porch…

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Chevron it up baby! Mia made the kids these precious stinking cute!

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The birthday girl needs balloons, right?

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Face timing with Lala and eating her very first sweet..a chocolate chip cookie!

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Patting daddy on the beach…

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WE sure loved watching the waves crash…

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Walker and I  even got a date night..on the golf cart…

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Then there was movie night…

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Going for a swim..Davis wanted his picture with a palm tree SO bad…

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Davis has grown so much and he was so brave in the pool..this momma was his personal swim coach..he will be swimming in no time!

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all cashed out on the way to the airport…

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We found a monster truck…

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Remember how Davis cashed out…this could be why our pictures are so fussy, or it could be the only time we saw the sun was during our pictures and it was blinding our children! HA!

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Leaving on a jet plane…

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WE had a blast and cannot wait to have Emerson’s first party this weekend, with family and friends! WE sure love time together and are so grateful for time at the beach too!

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