Monday, May 20, 2013

not always beautiful, but it is my life!

He’s a cowboy baby!

Davis had a cowboy/girl party this weekend so he celebrated a little early in his undies and this get up that use to be his daddy’s! HA! What a stinker!

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The actual party..He got to ride his very own horse, Jo, with his daddy! He is still talking about it! Great birthday party Jaleigh!


Itty bitty underwear and diaper!!

Summer is in full swing at our house..We have pulled out the pool and eaten two watermelons! We sure love outdoors…minus the bugs and snakes! HA! These two enjoy the water so much. Summer is where we play outside all day, take at least two baths a day, change clothes multiple times and play with friends!

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Our construction site….

We have had a dumper and scooper in our neighborhood for several weeks now working on our road..Davis and I have our own construction site going..WE are digging to China and Mia and Pops house with a connection in between. This has been all this guys idea and he knows exactly how to get the job done…my days are never boring!

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Jill baby went to one of Davis’ games and these are some of the pictures I got since I didn’t get to go…


This Sunday was the last Might Night for the summer so they celebrated with water!!! That is why the kiddos LOVE Mrs. Allison! She thinks of everything!


Emmy was jealous of the fun they were having! Look at that ruffled tushie!


Her and Zoe decided to just watch….


Bubba made sure his sister was nice and wet..ha, with a hug!


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