Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Emerson is one

Whew, I finally took her 12 month sticker pictures, so it is official she is one! HA! We still have her party on Saturday, but nonetheless she is ONE!

Look at this little stinker!

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Bed/Brother picture…

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these two make my life so SWEET

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I mean look at how hard these two are laughing at one another..

12 mo 015

and she keeps laughting…

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Davis always has hugs and kisses for his sissy

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this girls is so happy

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and then she found of her favs and words she can say…

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and then she took it outside…perfect day made even better!

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Wow! First, I cannot believe Emerson is one! Where in the world did the last year go? She has changed so much this month and is doing so many new things! I hope I don’t forget anything! Let’s start with eating she still nurses three times a day like a champ and totally understands, Emmy do you want some milk..she will fly in my arms and say milk! She still has ZERO teeth and eats anything and everything she wants…she is not picky, however, she is really not a fan of eating the same things. She wants variety, if she eats it today she won’t want it for a couple of days..SO funny! She is drinking water out of her Sippy and she can totally drink from a straw! She loves to feed herself but I still feed her yogurts and things like that! She can devour a banana and loves ham!

She sleeps so well! She takes two naps a day for 1.5 to 2 hours and sleeps 10-12 hours at night. She is a champ if she misses or gets slighted on her nap and takes it like a big girl for sure! She loves her bed..check out the videos and absolutely loves her things that sleep with her..pillow, blanket and lovey.  She wants to read a book, and sing before bed…she will even remind, and then she will begin stinking precious!

She gets into EVERYTHING. WE have had so many first with her because Davis never really leaves my side and she doesn’t mind exploring the world/house/etc.! She loves to play in potty water, eating mulch, moss, rocks, etc., pulling open drawers and emptying them, playing with anything whether it is a toy or not, making messes, the list goes on and on..this girl is so busy, quick and non stop! It is so funny how chilled out she can be though…

She loves balls, balloons, books, animals, and pretty much anything she can teeth on. She amazes me with her speech. She knows so many words and this tired momma has not worked with her near like I worked with mr d. She knows animal sounds, mama, dada, buba, ball, balloon, lala, muh (mia), pawpaw, pop (pops), milk, num num (food), nana (drink), banana, baby,ouch, hey, hi, bye bye etc. Her comprehension is amazing too. She understands so much and will complete commands if there is not a ball/book that is occupying her attention!

She is SO happy. She doesn’t always smile for others, but will totally turn on the smiles for me, walker, and D, as long as there is no camera around..she really hates the camera! HA! She doesn’t meet a stranger and will tell everyone hi and hey and she walks around! She loves to touch your skin and will totally pinch you as she is rubbing on you..OUCH! (Where she gets that word, I guess).  She loves to hug and kiss on her babies and others as long as its something she wants to do! HA! She still loves that big brother but has learned how to tell him enough is enough! HILARIOUS!

You have not seen a more excited baby when she sees her daddy walk in the door, it melts my heart daily! She also loves whoever gets her out of the bed and will love all over them for doing so. She loves her Mia and I’m pretty sure Mia doesn’t mind that!

She has been walking for three months now and she can pretty much get wherever she wants to go by climbing, crawling, running, walking or pushing her way through! WE call her bulldozer!

Emerson, you are so full of life, yet so laid back. You love to snuggle yet are Very independent . You love to explore and get into new things and you keep us all on our toes. May you never change. Continue being you and let God shine through and this momma could not ask for anything more. I love you so much!

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