Sunday, May 12, 2013

Jackson generals game with our small group

We had so much fun tonight watching the generals play..or the kids play, whichever way you want to look at it! The boys were so into the game…at first!

Notice in the photos we start out with two boys and then go to five!!! (and emerson!)

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maddox and emmy were really into the game..better yet their conversations!

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this game was intense!!!

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Emerson kept a close eye..on all the food!

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my favorite shot of the night…two sweet boys!

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Emmy watching the ball with her daddy

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mommy and daughter pics with our matching shirts….thanks aunt laura

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We ended up on the grassy area..the boys had a game of their own!

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Emerson found that very interesting!

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Davis and Daddy getting tips for their t-ball games!

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My sweet boy loving on the mascot..the general!

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what cuties!

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Emerson on the other hand did not find the general amusing!

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A sweet note from D I found in his church bag…so funny!

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