Tuesday, June 18, 2013

BEACH Trip to Perdido Key Florida

Our second trip to the beach is complete…we sure loved our time down south but there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed! We had so much fun and made so many memories! I hope I was capable of getting most if not all of them on film so I can share them with you and keep them forever! I’m going to be splitting my beach posts into three different posts…this one being the longest! The next will be our beach photo shoot and the last one will be all photos from the iPhone…..! I hope you enjoy the trip as much as we did!

First I must begin with this little miss..she will play with anything and these pics will prove it. If there are no toys around, no problem she will play with a shoe or a random decoration..no problem! Such an inventive little thing. she loved just looking at the beach  and people watching! Of course she would shout hey or hi to anyone who would listen!

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She is our buddle of energy, hugging, going to get hurt one day cause she is so brave and has no fear little girl!

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See even daddy has to have his loving from her!

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playing with a table..is so much fun!

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Rob was her little boyfriend of the week for sure!

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Davis was so happy to be back at the “beach home” as he calls it!

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Emerson began eating her clothes she was so excited!

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We headed to swim before we could even unpack…

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Hmm..I look so cute should I chance it and be wet and cute?

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Davis voted yes…take a look at these puddle jumpers because he never used them after the first day..he is a regular swimmer now!

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We headed to church on Sunday and these two were very happy despite the rain..I mean down pour…

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Just monkeying around at the shrimp basket..Yummy!

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Emerson is such a lover and she especially enjoys all the loving she gets from her lala!

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Pawpaw and Davis decided they needed to check the beach out after the thunderstorm so I stood on the balcony and took pictures..not to shabby from 7 stories high!

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While they enjoyed the beach, daddy enjoyed some Emerson!

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Mommy couldn’t stand it so she jumped in as well!

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This girl is sooo busy and very entertaining!

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Brother joined us for a big brother shot!

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Monkeys or not these two are my world! Never a dull moment!

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Such fun monkeys…check out emmy in the surprise picture she can’t stand it..she wants some more teeth! She is really trying to get mine! HA!

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It rained even more on Monday so we spent a lot of time in the condo..so blessed it was REALLY nice and REALLY big! Davis ended up venturing out with the boys to the naval air museum and the girls went out to do what girls do best..SHOP! Hate that is was lousy old Wal-Mart, but it was still fun nonetheless! These are pictures of the kids just entertaining us…some are fussy but I couldn’t delete them..such funny faces! I love Emmy peaking out from behind the chair, and all her silly faces!

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Tuesday came and we are were excited to FINALLY see the sun! So we did the next logical thing..head to the beach!

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Soon we needed to de sand our selves so we headed to the pool..this is where Davis showed us his new skills..he can swim without anything!

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More beach fun! We buried people in the sand, played football, baseball, flew kites, built sandcastles, drove trucks in the sand, splashed, rode the waves and had so much fun while doing so! beachfathers day 228beachfathers day 229beachfathers day 230

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That night we went to a local dive and Davis and Emerson got to choose some songs on the jute box! CLASSIC!

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Davis brought some of his own money and decided on some dress up pirate stuff…guess what we played at nights in the condo…You guessed it, PIRATES!


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Emerson decided against buying any beach toys and decided to play with the things around her! HA!

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We had a very delicious watermelon that everyone enjoyed including our picky eater!

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The next afternoon we decided to take a break from the beach and we headed to ride go carts, play golf and ride some rides. We had a big time and Mommy enjoyed a coke icee!

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WE had such a big time on our little family trip! A big thanks to Pawpaw and Meme for inviting us along. We made lots of fantastic memories and had lots of good family fun!

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