Tuesday, June 18, 2013

WelmcHick Reunion

We finally did it, we got together minus the boys! We were all so excited to see one another and how the kids had grown. We had a great time despite it being so very hot and the kids were awesome and played so well together! Meeting at Murray was such a blessing and we started with no children in the mix and now there is 6 from ages 7 to 3 months! SO. MUCH. FUN! I am so very fortunate to be in the middle of these families so everyone met at my house for a day of fun! We played outside, inside and outside again, ate a yummy lunch and plenty of snacks and enjoyed each other so much! I absolutely cannot wait till our next meet! Love you guys and cherish our memories!

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After they left we decided to stay outside and play till daddy got home….SUMMA SUMMA TIME! Oh what a fun time it is!


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