Thursday, June 6, 2013


Not often enough do I get to brag on my amazing husband, so I will now! He graduated Tuesday night from the adult leadership program in Gibson County! I got to go and hear each graduate speak about their experience in the program and it was so neat to meet each of them and learn about the program! He has done this while working, teaching a class at church, serving and providing for us, and being a part of several clubs/organizations to better our community! He has surpassed all my expectations and made me so proud! It is an honor to be his helpmeet! 

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This little man spent a few days with the grandparents and boy was he missed! Whew, what would I do without him! I love his spirit, his crave to play and imagine and his smile so much!


What can I say this little miss is so precious and has me so busy!


see, (she is pulling things out of drawers….ugh! )


This smile! REALLY? How can he ever be in trouble?


Watch out we are arresting people left and right here!


ahh, my little cowgirl..this outfit was her daddy’s then her brothers…pretty sure she has claimed it now!


God made them so perfect for our family! What love and what bond they share! (and sicknesses hence the teething bracelet in both of their mouths! )


Can you believe it? Feeding herself. She has one proud daddy!

Yep, she is twelve months old and driving the jeep..already!

God thank you for the precious souls in my life and for blessing me so abundantly. You care for me even more than I could imagine! I am so blessed! Thank you for making my blessing so apparent! Help me not to forget or take them for granted! Continue to humble me through them, hold me accountable and create in me a heart to serve, not only them but “to the least of these!” I serve an amazing God who knows me better than I know myself… are forever faithful and I am your beloved! Never allow me to forget that I am yours and that I am fearfully and wonderfully made!

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