Monday, June 3, 2013

Emerson is 13 months

Wow, wasn’t she just turning one and now is a month older? Time is flying..please slow down! In this short month Emerson is doing so much more than last month! Again, time please slow down! She is a spunky, sweet, busy, bulldozer, rock/mud/mulch eating, best hugger, little girl around! She has FINALLY gotten two teeth so watch out world we can chew all kinds of things now! She eats so well and pretty much does not refuse any food..healthy or not! I am finally not the only fruit eater in the house!


Emerson loves outdoors and has become especially interested in swinging!


She loves her brothers room and especially his chair…scares me to death! I caught her handed! That girl is going to send us to the ER!!


look she is its not that far down there!




She also loves her brothers bed and dogs….ahh this is right before she literally jumped off his bed!


She adores books! She will look at them forever..she especially loves animal, tab, or feely books!


She loves to climb.. and loves riding in this wagon for her dolls!


She is a sweet little thing who is actually a great smiler and laugher but she knows when the camera is trying to catch her..see she has had enough!


She loves to play and stay busy but doesn’t necessarily need any help or anyone! She is content and very happy the majority of her awake time!


She LOVES to sleep and still takes two naps a day at about two hours a piece. Just when I think she might be cutting them shorter she sleeps even longer! She is saying so many words. She will imitate pretty much anything you ask her to and I love hearing her sweet little voice. She says most names in our family, animals and their sounds, names of food and milk, out (outside), and so much more. She understands even more than she expresses. It is amazing she knows  all of her names (sis, sissy, Em, Emmy, Emerson)! She does not meet a stranger , she tells everyone hi, and she still worships her brother until he gets to lovey on her.

Emerson our prayer for you is you continue to grow, learn and stay healthy. We want you to always love God, people and yourself! Keep your spunk and others will be drawn to you! We love you little miss!

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