Sunday, June 16, 2013

fathers day 2013

Fathers! Daddies! Dads! Whatever way you say it they are from God and oh so needed in a family! I think God for my dad and my sweet loving husband who is an amazing daddy to our precious two children! I was blessed to be with my father in law all week and then come home to my dad for the weekend! And of course do all of this with my hubby and father of my children! So blessed to be surrounded by such inspirational, loving, kind and gentle men! From knowing how to fix things, to calming nightmare fears, daddies are the greatest! I pray Davis is just like his father and grandfathers..Christian men, who serve till it hurts, give till they are broke, love unconditionally, and enjoy life to the fullest!

My sweet daddy with Emerson!

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Pops sure loves his grands!

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Mia and Pops and their sweet grand babies!

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Pops playing pirates with Davis..argg!

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My dad, my friend!

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The man for whom I was made! He teaches me everyday! Such an amazing daddy!

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Our little family!

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My little girl!

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Look what Davis made his daddy for fathers day…daddy ties!

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God thank you for the blessing of fathers! May we never take them for granted! Give us opportunities to serve them and give back to them. Thank you for being our heavenly father and loving us so!

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