Friday, January 31, 2014

all WEEK long

I’ve been running around this week trying to play catch up from last week and while we have had lots of fun and made tons of memories we are all so tired! In a nutshell this has been our week in pictures…

Davis spent some time cleaning up our yard, after Reese, made a huge mess on trash day!


We went to the library just to read and play!


Emerson enjoyed father daughter date night at Perkins, while Mommy and D had their own date night at Chili’s!



We went to Fun Zone with our pal and buddy Peyton!


We wore our matching Kentucky shirts for Pops on his birthday week!



Mommy son date night at Chili’s with some of Davis’ favorite little friends!


We are so blessed to have such amazing friends and family! We love you all so much and love making memories with you!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Florida or bust..Business trip/slash mommy and daddy get a way!

When Walker found out he had a conference in Orlando he could not wait to break the news to me that I was going with him and we were NOT taking any children. I would love to tell you I was super on board and excited but I must say it took some convincing. While I loved the idea of getting away I thought our kids should definitely come with us. Walker insisted I needed a break and the kids would be just fine in our mother’s care! I am so glad he knows me better than I know myself, because we had such an awesome time and it felt so good to eat a meal without any interruptions! Don’t get me wrong I was very ready to see my sweet babies on Saturday, but my mom had been diligent with phone calls, face times, and pictures so I knew they were having a blast and enjoying time with Mia!

On of my favorite things that we did was go to our first NBA game! What fun! The atmosphere and the excitement was so incredible! It was also very interesting to see how the two of us react at nail biting games…I am sure you are surprised but I was not Quite!

We are HERE!





Walker loved our hotel/mall stay…they had a sushi restaurant literally right out in the middle of the mall and I won’t tell you how many times he ate there while we were there!


Funny mom moment…Emmy loves stickers and sticks them about ANYWHERE she can. Well, one night while getting ready I noticed a sticker on my shirt. I took it off and placed it on my hand to remember my sweet girl. It stayed there overnight and in the morning while on the elliptical I looked down and it was still there…..oh sweet memories!


While the weather was pretty chilly, one day I did manage this…


However, when we finally got a chance to go to the beach it was SO cold and I was literally in layers of clothing just to stay warm!


So blessed to have a sweet husband who desires time just with me, a mom who will give up some time to keep our children and a job that sends Walker occasionally to fun business trips!