Wednesday, January 1, 2014

NYE and NY

NYE we “partied” at the Browns. Let me say we left the party by 8:58 and no one in our house saw midnight, but we all had fun and that is all that matters! There were lots of kids in the mix and that always makes for a good time, Jeff made his infamous hotdogs and the rest of us pitched in with some snacks as well! Here are some photos from the night!

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New Years day we had an all out rock concert in our closet and man this show was AMAZING! We sure love our new dress up holder from our amazingly talented pops!

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Emerson even found and new hiding spot!

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Man this is one cool rocker!


no words folks, this girl is too much!


put them together and you are in for a real treat!


Celebrating 2014 with my sweet friends and family was perfect and I am so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people!

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