Thursday, January 2, 2014


Daddy was so excited when we woke up this am because he couldn’t wait to tell us there was snow on the ground! This is when having hills on your property comes in VERY handy! The kids couldn’t wait to go out and explore the SNOW! It took me awhile to get them warm and cozy but when I did they were ready to goo…

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Heading out…

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So fortunate we had our snow sleds handy….

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My attempt at a pic of the three of us…

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Davis loved sledding, Emerson, not so much!

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One thing we all could agree on…HOT chocolate!

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After her brother was done, she began double fisting it!

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Our neighbors and some our favorite playmates came over and then the fun began!

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Emerson was content doing school work!

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and playing with baby Grayson…

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More sledding fun….


Favorite picture of the day



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Davis ended up with a bloody lip, Grayson never napped and Emmy just wanted to be held in the snow, but we had a blast and will never forget all our snow sledding memories!

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