Friday, January 10, 2014

The Wellington’s lately….

Miss Sticker Queen is now in to bow making! I leave her alone in the sunroom with the stickers and she comes out and says, “Mommy” I look at her and she points to her hair and says “hair bow!” Well yay Emmy you now can add bow making to your resume! HA!


WE loved having friends over to play. Poor Zoe was Emerson’s live baby doll! That should make her start walking!!!


My kids sure love their pad time when they wake up! Nothing sweeter than watching a show together!


Emerson loves her books and today decided she needed her recliner kicked up! HA!


We even got to visit sweet Jack and Mrs. Logan! Emerson really enjoyed feeling the baby in her belly AND loving on Jack!


Videos…my video coverage lately has been slacking! I could not get them to load for the longest time so here are some to catch you up a little!

dress up

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