Thursday, January 2, 2014

Emerson…20 months

To my dearest Emerson,

Emmy, Emerson, sissy, Em first I must tell you darling we love you! You  are so full of life and so busy that you keep us smiling at skinny all at the same time! HA! You wake up in your bed at 7am or whenever you hear your brother playing and running through the house and you are ready to jump up and join the fun. You usually ask to see a show or Elmo but daddy always brings you to see mommy who is waiting to see her sweet girl in my bed. You snuggle with me for a minute or two then you are ready to see “bubba” and a “show” on the “pad.” That hair of yours is usually always in your face so you also ask for a hair bow so you can see! After your hair is situated and you have seen bubba and a show it is time to make messes till we eat!

You continue to eat like a champ and you are always up to trying new things. You love to drink your milk and your occasional juice and you especially love stealing bubbas cup to see if his tastes better than yours!

You wear size 4 diapers and are in 18-24 month clothes. You love wearing your “squeak squeak” shoes and you adore jewelry. Your motto is the more the better! You really prefer being naked as to wearing clothes but nonetheless when you are dressed you love to show off what you are wearing!

You love playing with others and love babies! You love to watch Barney or Elmo and are still a big fan of books. Playing with your babies and balls is still on top of your list as well. You love to write and will stick stickers anywhere you desire! You have helped me understand why things don’t necessarily need a will but hair brushes in your Sippy cup drawer, spatulas in the bathtub, bracelets in with books, etc.!

You have recently switched to one nap a day and we are still working out the kinks but you sleep after lunch for a couple of hours and are ready to go till bedtime!

You are talking and comprehending so many things I cannot even list them. You will say up to three word utterances and will follow 2 and 3 step commands. You love to dance and put on a show and your new dress up container is one of your favorite things.

You are so different than your sweet brother and I am finding out daily how perfect you are balancing out our family! Thanks for bringing the spunk, fun and laughter you have brought our way! We love you Emmy!

Our amazing God please continue to bless this sweet baby girl! Help her to see you in us and want to be more like you! Keep her bond with her brother close and give her a sweet spirit! Guide us as parents on how to parent her and give us the strength we need to teach her your will!

Emerson at 20 months


Davis at 20 months…

20 mo 00420 mo 01320 mo 08120 mo 082

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