Monday, January 6, 2014

New year 2014…Here I come! Goodbye 2013 and thank you for the blessings and memories you brought us!

I am NOT a resolution girl but I definitely like to look back and reflect on my memories and journey through the last year and think about the new year and what it might involve. So….last year was somewhat a calm year for us….

Walker and I finished the reading the Bible together. Something I have done before but it meant so much more this year doing this with my helpmate, soul mate and spiritual leader!

Baby Mack joined our family as my first nephew and the kids first cousin in the “Poston” family.

Emerson turned one! And has continued to grow up so much and so quickly!

Davis turned four and started preschool at a church in town.

My brother and his girlfriend became engaged!

In 2014 we are looking forward to these planned events…

Davis will turn 5 and begin kindergarten at Medina Elementary.

Emerson will turn 2 and will hopefully become potty trained!

Walker and I will celebrate 13 years together in April!

Walker and I celebrate 10 years as husband and wife in May and take a trip just for us to celebrate our amazing journey as husband and wife!

Jarrett and Stephanie become husband and wife in June. Davis and Emerson will be in ANOTHER wedding!

I sure love wondering, praying and thinking about this year and what will happen with our family in 2014. I pray we continue keeping Christ our head, serving others and putting their needs over our own, reaching out to those in need, making and keeping great friends, serving our church family in any imaginable way, teaching our kids daily to be like him, love him and want to be with him!

I have a couple of new year new ideas for me and hope that I am able to work towards all of them.

I plan on committing myself to a year of prayer (using a prayer journal, praying at that moment when prayer is needed, praying with people instead of for, etc.). I hope to teach our high school girls at church and not only lead them to him but become their friend, example and role model through a relationship with them. Strengthen my existing friendships and begin new ones as well. Take care of myself (if I don’t take care of me how will I serve others). Most moms are so guilty of not taking care of them and they wind up burnt out, over weight and exhausted….not me, not this year! Mom time will be essential and no more guilt about it! Spend less time on phone, social media, texting, etc. and more time with real faces! Making my husband number one priority under my god but over my children. Date nights are essential, mommy and daddy time a must. Ten years strong and going to keep adding years for sure! Be less condemning/judgmental and choose to disagree if I disagree. Too many times I go along with what people are saying to avoid conflict even if I disagree. Most the time I eat my words if I judge and I end up in the same situation. (I can’t believe that child is ____, next thing I know my child is _____) Be careful what you say, it just might happen to you! Continue working PRN with the Skilled facility in town and remain a positive influence in my coworker and my patients lives. If anything allow them to see Christ in me!

I pray 2014 is a beautiful year and pray God’s most wonderful blessings on my family and yours!


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