Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Broken computers equal no blogging equal one sad momma!

My computer was broke for a minute but I am back! I know you are so excited but trust me this is more for me and the kids than anyone. (literally it is their on-line baby book! ) Anyway….last week we spent a couple days as a family of five! WE picked up one of our buddies from church and she spent the night with us so her momma and daddy could concentrate on the twins they had at home! We had lots of fun and Davis is convinced we should adopt her!

Jill baby came over with these photo booth Easter decorations so we had a little fun getting in the Easter spirit!


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Davis had school the next day so the girls spent some time together….


We went to the library for story hour and an egg hunt…




the girls defintley loved the eggs and all the candy!!!


When we got home we needed a walk so we spent some time in the stroller…


Davis came home and he was ready to entertain!


We loved jumping on the trampoline too!


Such a sweet guy sharing some Barney with the girls!


Such a fun couple of days with sweet Zoe! She learned what it was like to be the little sister, eat with a fork, stand up for her self to her older siblings (ha) and live amongst the Wellingtons!

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