Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Davis is 5 years old


How can this sweet baby boy grow….


so fast (12 months)


and yet become (24 months)

2 y 009

so sweet and compassionate (3 years old)

march 073

at such a young (4 years old)

easter 097

age (5 years old)

d bday 006

Davis Walker you are truly one of a kind. Your smile is something everyone adores and not many people meet you without commenting on it. Never lose the ability to captivate people with your smile! You are a charmer! You truly care for others, those you know and the ones you don’t. I believe God breaks your heart with what breaks his. You have a heart for HIM and for others at such a young age and I am so proud of you for that. This year has been so full of changes for you. You have started preschool and left me for the first time since you entered this world. I must admit I cried when I drove away from the church building, but I knew in my heart you were ready. You have done so well meeting new friends, charming your sweet teacher, and learning! I miss your smile, your talking and all your energy when you are away but you always come home smiling and excited to teach me what you learned that day. This age has been so fun. You reason at such an advanced age, have an imagination far greater than that of most children and you love to learn. You began asking why at two and have not stopped. You pick up on the littlest details and your mind never stops working! Your memory is perplexing and keeps me on my toes. I am so proud of you and pray over you and for you everyday! My prayer for you for this year of five is…

that you will continue to grow in confidence in your self so that you know you will achieve anything you put your mind to.  that your heart only grows bigger and more compassionate for those around you, especially the unloved. that you will put your faith in to practice and share god with all people. that you will continue to be the best big brother around and love your sister as only you can. that you will begin kindergarten and learn and grow more than we could ever imagine. that you know and trust your parents not only love you but want the best for you in life.

Happy birthday little man! YOU are an amazing gift from God and I will cherish you all the days of my life. I love watching you grow!

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