Friday, April 11, 2014

Davis goes to the doctor

I know I know I have talked about D being 5 for awhile now, but we finally went to the doctor and has his 5 year physical so it is official he is 5 NOW! He weighed in at 49 lbs. and 44 inches tall. Such a tall skinny dude! He is so dense! His belly is so skinny but he obviously has some weight some where! This makes him officially ready for school as well. All his shots were administered..poor guy, and physical complete! He did so well at the doctor despite the finger stick, four shots, and peeing in the cup (funny nonetheless again this year!). My attempt at getting their picture while waiting..


Emmy loved that this visit was not about her…she enjoyed sliding!


Afterwards we went to Chuckie Cheese to tell Davis how proud of him we were!


My big boy still wants his picture made with his momma! I am smitten!


AT 5 we started quiet time instead of nap time and this has started happening a lot lately. This particular time is on the way to bible class..poor guy is cashed out! Maybe not ready for no naps just yet!


Davis you makes us so proud! Thanks for being a compassion considerate little guy! We sure love watching you grow, even though we wish you would stay little forever! You blow us away with your inquisitive questions, thoughtful comments and smart answers. You truly care for others at such a young age. You are in coach pitch baseball and you cannot wait till your first game…tonight! You are wearing size 5 shirts and pants and some 6 pants due to your height. You are eating better and trying new foods without so much complaining. Your favorite fruits are grapes, apples and watermelon, your favorite veggies are corn, and green beans, your favorite meat is sausage and bacon ,and your favorite meal is pizza! You are extremely sensitive and you want everyone to be nice. You love your sister with all your heart and you love on her constantly! You are so smart, you can write your name, you know all your letters and their sounds, your numbers to 100, multiple memory verses and you love “doing school” with me! You find joy in wearing jeans, a belt and a hat right now and you ask to get dresses almost immediately after waking up. You will cuddle, hold hands and nap with us without a fuss, truly a little one after your mommas own heart! You melt strangers and friends alike with your stellar smile and you don’t really like unfamiliar situations. Your favorite toys are Legos, and firefighter stuff. You have been playing in your Lego closet by yourself for sometime now and you have one amazing imagination. Most of all Davis Walker you are so much fun to be around and you are such a genuine little man. We love you with all our hearts and are proud of who you are and what you are becoming!

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