Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mia came before the Easter bunny!

Mia sure is sweet to visit whenever she has several days off in a row and boy do we enjoy her when she visits! She got to go to one of Davis’ ballgames, baby sit so we could go on a date, visit with Mack, and just spend quality time with us! Not wanting to say goodbye…

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They had just had their pictures made and neither were very cooperative..ugh!

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After Mia’s departure we headed to Skyline for a egg hunt with the community!

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Davis with some of his buddies!

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Emerson was really more interested in playing on the playground than finding the eggs, so mommy had to help her!

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We decided to sit down and check out all of their candy loot!

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Isaac and Emmy caught up on all the candy treats they received!

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Davis and Jack were pretty excited about the candy as well!

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We are so blessed to have a church family who believes in their kids enough to have a children’s minister! This lady is remarkable and I love her so much! I am pretty sure these two are smitten as well!

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