Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Emerson is 23 months

Only one more month and my little sassy, spunky, dare devil girl will be TWO! Is it possible that I will have five year old and two year old?

Emerson we love watching you sleep and you are pretty good at it!


We love watching you love your brother. You are his little sissy and you will do just about whatever he asks you to do..if you want to! You mimic his every move and you love being loved by him! From day one you have loved him, but especially this month you have become quite attached to him. You especially love eating your dinner and then crawling up into his seat to check out the leftovers he did not eat.


You think you are as big as who ever you play with…literally you attempt things that most kids don’t do until they are three. Oh the joys of being a little sister to a big brother! The other day you were in Davis’ power wheels driving while he was in the trailer! 


This month your biggest change has been your language. Receptively and Expressively you have advanced so much in mere weeks. You can count to ten, say three to four word utterances, learn new words everyday, do 3-4 step commands (except pee on the potty…ha)! I can already tell you have a great memory just like your brother. You forget NOTHING and you like doing things your way! One of my favorite things you do right now is tell everyone their name. WE call it roll call. You will name everyone as you call them, then as their actual name. Mommy, daddy, bubba, Liz, Walker Dow, Davis, Emmy! You are also very into emotions. You know when someone is sad how to make them happy and visa versa! As far as eating, sleeping, clothing size you are still the same from last month. We love you baby girl and cannot wait to celebrate you turning two next month!

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