Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Davis turns 5

My little man turned five on March 31, 2014…and I am still in shock! How does time escape me and how in the world can my 9lb 14 oz. little man that refused to come out and meet me now be 5? He  knows and has always known what he wants and this birthday idea/theme was no exception! He knew it must be a Tennessee theme, told me the food he wanted, the games he wanted to play and who should be on the invite list. Now, I must tell you my little man is quite the compassionate one so he literally begged and just began asking anyone he met to his birthday party. This momma loves his kind heart but I must admit I got a little stressed when trying to order food, take homes and such…I had no idea how many people he had invited via word of mouth! HA! He was so sincere about it they actually wanted to come! AH, my sweet man! We started the birthday off with a party at his preschool Wednesday before spring break and then had a family party Saturday evening…these kids were ready to party…ROCKY TOP!


Ms. Janet (our photographer, church buddy, and friend) stopped by to give D birthday hugs and bring him a new orange and white plane!

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He could not wait to open presents at his party so he opened one before the food….LEGOS!!!

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He picked out his own cake too….so fitting and very yummy! Chocolate cake with white and orange icing!

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Blowing out the candles and the birthday song

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This cake is sooo good!

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Mia and Emmy ready to party!

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Watching the infamous “Davis is 5” birthday movie…

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Front row seats to the show…

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Present time….he got Legos, books, a karaoke machine, a new desk, clothes, cards and games!

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not sure he had much too open…ha!

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Jill baby even came to the family party, she is one of us!

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Emerson loved hearing her voice…..

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the cousins sporting their VOLS colors…

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what messes

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this sweet little man is my nephew and is growing too quickly!

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It’s picture time…

Meme and Pawpaw

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Uncle nick and Laura and Mack

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Mia and Pops

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Mommy and Daddy…

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On Monday, Davis’ actual birthday, we had his friend party. Again Davis had it planned to the tee. He wanted to eat pizza, decorate jerseys, do face painting, get footballs and run through the banner like an actual football team…We made it all happen and it was so much fun. We have decided Davis could be a pinner on pinterest with all his birthday ideas!

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face painting….

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decorating jerseys…

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even baby g was decked out in his orange and white…

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Davis’ favorite moment of the night..running through the banner!

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look at all those tough players!

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Photo shoot with Peyton and Grayson…

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Watching the Davis movie….

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Lala loving on her 5 year old nephew and almost two year old niece!

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Oh to interview a five year old….

Davis says it all at five

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