Monday, August 11, 2014

Davis goes to Kindergarten

We woke up to a happy Davis who was ready for school. He showered, got dressed and ate his special breakfast. (blurry and out of focus but pictured nonetheless!)

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Then it was time for his photo shoot. He is such a sweet boy and he knows how much his momma loves pictures so he cooperated and let me snap photos until my heart was content. Emmy on the other hand was not happy about anything and definitely did not want her brother leaving for school!

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One of my favorite shots!

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Sweet little man..growing up right in front of our eyes!

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Silly picture

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Emerson did not know what to think of all this NEW and she was NOT happy about it!

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Holding his sign with daddy!

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The two men in my life!

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Pardon the workout clothes but momma went straight to the gym to cry and sweat my tears away!

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Walking into big is he?

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Walking into the classroom…

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putting his backpack up in his cubby!

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Sweet hugs for sissy!

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My little guy was so happy, that made it so much easier to leave without any tears!

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Leaving with just one felt so strange, especially when Emerson said, “Where’s bubba?” My tears began and this point and didn’t stop!

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Once we got in the car she said Momma, Emmy miss bubba everyday! Then my cry became ugly! Sweet girl knew her momma was sad so she began making me laugh by saying one of her favorite phrases..”toots baby” until I was laughing enough to make her happy! She has kept me busy so far, and I have gotten so many sweet texts, phone calls and fb messages from all my sweet friends so I know I can do this. My sweet Walker told me that Davis and him were praying a prayer every morning on the way to school, it goes like this…

God, make me a man with thick skin and a soft heart. Make me a man who is tough and tender. Make me tough so I can handle life. Make me tender so I can love people. God, make me a man.

I am so proud of my sweet little boy and the Godly example he has in his daddy! He sure blesses me daily!

Our preacher spoke this Sunday on “have you asked.” I am asking the Holy Spirit to come to protect my sweet boy and guide him in his newest journey called Kindergarten! I am also asking the Holy Spirit to come and be with his momma, sister and daddy as we let him grown in this world, a very hard thing to do!

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