Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Open House for Kindergarten

Tonight was the night…we met Davis’ Kindergarten teacher, saw his classroom and met some of his new friends in his class.

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He was super excited about his desk and the candy she left for him!

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He loved having a cubby just like last year and he couldn’t wait to show me where it was.

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One of his classmates he met tonight…Jade. Walker and I actually went to school with her daddy!

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Davis and Mrs. Penny!

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The class list.

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Is he really old enough for this….

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He checked out where he would be eating lunch…

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No way, this child is too cool for school and too big!

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Walking the halls of MES

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There are ten Kindergarten classrooms this year..WOWSERS!

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Outside of the school..

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Posing with mommy and daddy…Such a bittersweet moment. Davis you are such a sweet little guy and we pray you allow your classmates and teachers to see Christ in you and that they push you closer to HIM!

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After the big night we celebrated with some ice-cream at Baskin Robbins….I’m pretty sure they were pleased!

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God place Davis in your loving care this year. I pray Mrs. Penny teaches him and his classmates so that they can understand and become more knowledgeable. I pray for her and her patience, understanding and guidance this year. Give her strength and courage to get through the tough days, and allow her to feel your presence on EVERY day. Bless Davis, bless his sweet friends and all the teachers. Allow him to see good and bad and choose the good. Help him to be him and never change to be like others unless it is for the better.

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