Tuesday, August 5, 2014

life lately…

We have made it our goal around here this summer to embrace life and take in any and every opportunity that comes our way, thjat being said we have not been home too much this summer! When we are we make lots of messes and even more memories.

Check out those watermelon bellies!


These two are super lovey on their own terms…you try to make them and they will buck you every time, but look at this captured from afar..melt my big momma heart!


Emerson has always admired her brothers art and is just now starting to get very interested in doing her own masterpieces…this particular day we mimicked one of her brothers!


I am one blessed woman and here is three reasons why….


see, they just get cuter and cuter!


This summer I have had kindergarten in the back of my head all summer long..it is finally here and we have been so busy getting ready for this new adventure in our lives….I’m one anxious, emotional momma but he is READY so let’s do this!


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