Monday, August 11, 2014

This is my beautiful life



Emerson and I signed up for a mommies monkeys gymnastics class to help pass the time while Davis is away at school! Emmy is loving nastics and says she flips, jumps really high and really low!


A typical drive to church..the boy is passed out the girl has transformed her hair style and constantly attempting to wake her brother up!


Life at my house looks something like this…an ottoman becomes a jail cell, a boy becomes a police officer and a little girl gets in trouble for _____you name it! HA!


Sometimes you just get lucky and have the best neighbors and friends you could wish for…that is me! Jill baby stole my sweet babies hearts and they love her so much! I mean who couldn’t? She makes nights when mommy and daddy are away so much fun, this one even had a theme!


Emmy speaks..on camera…

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