Tuesday, August 5, 2014

we went to the zoo zoo zoo

We had one last zoo trip before school starts next week with our good buddies Jack, Isaac and Jaliegh. Davis even spent the night at a friends house for the first time. Jack and him had a blast and Mrs. Stephanie reports they slept well and were perfect all night long! This is what he looked like on the way to Bible class…


Once we got to the zoo the kids had to go to the farm animal section…they loved feeding and petting the animals!


We also let them pick a ride and they all voted boats!


Of course we hit up the water splash park too!



These two are precious and they melt my heart when they choose to be sweet to one another!


The traditional entry and exit picture.


Look at their faces as they are captivated by the sea lions…


Another group shot..this one was Jaliegh’s pick!


We saw a lot of this…their back sides..these kids love the animals and have to see everyone of them!


These two are best buds and are so good to one another! I couldn’t think of anyone better for Davis to be buddies with!


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