Monday, August 18, 2014

Weekend Recap

After a LONG week of school we enjoyed a weekend together! Davis did so well in school this week and he has already learned so much. Mrs. Penny is a PERFECT fit for him (prayer is a powerful thing)! I pray for her and her sweet students everyday! Davis was very proud to show me on Thursday that he was the first to pink! The BEST behavior you can have in class. Friday it just took him awhile to figure out why he wasn’t the best again! Ha! Sweet boy wants and strives to be perfect every day! WE learned a lesson in humility, and why it’s ok to be on purple and green too!


When we get home this is what these two usually look like…do you think they have missed each other?


Friday night we celebrated his and Jack’s first week of Kindergarten with a mother son date to the movies. D also spent the night with his buddy too! He is SO BIG!


Saturday morning this princess had her daddy all to her self (mommy was working and Davis was at Jack’s) so, I think they had a little fun together!!!


Saturday night daddy judged a wing contest with some of the guys so we made our own pizza’s….they were both so proud! They had a restaurant and had it named by the end of the night. We will be open SOON! HA!


Sunday on the way home these two were a little excited…We saw Mrs. Penny (Davis’ kindergarten teacher) at lunch so we made silly faces all the way home! Davis was pumped Mrs. Penny loves our favorite Sunday lunch restaurant! HA!



Sunday night we lost power in the middle of me cooking supper, so we made the best of it and watched the storm/hail and ate with a lego light dinner!


Hope all of our weekends are this rich in memories! We are so blessed to have such sweet babies and wonderful friends and family!

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