Saturday, October 4, 2014

A little more than a weeks review

Tuesday has got to be this child’s favorite day. For most it is the day they are finally back in the groove of working, for her it’s a day dedicated to gymnastics, and for that she is SO grateful! I pray we are all this happy and joyful at what ever we do!


Wednesdays are spent at this sweet ladies feet listening and learning about each weeks theme through stories. Some weeks I sit back and wonder if this is what it is like to “be like a child” and “sit at Jesus’ feet”. 


When you can make a kid this happy and display this kind of a smile for coming to see him at 11:05 for lunch, you pretty much do any chance you can…even when you are sweaty and haven’t had a shower from your workout! This smile….may it always change my attitude!


We celebrate most Fridays, not by an elaborate party or expensive things but with visits to the park, drinks from sonic at happy hour and such because for two whole days we have our family at our house making memories and living life side by side!


On Saturday we made a drive to Dyersburg to celebrate the future birth of life with Kendall! For many having babies is so easy, this baby has come from many prayers and petitions from God..this child we all have prayed for!


Of course that meant a day spent on the farm for these two little's and they sure love the farm life!


Sunday meant a backseat full of this…..we made memories and had some fun!


Monday came far too quick, but this girl doesn’t care, because she LOVES pink! Proudly sporting her favorite color from head to toe!  


TUESDAY!!!! You know what that means…gymnastics!! We even brought our friend Ella and went to chuckie cheese together! I love seeing my sweet girl love on her friends!


BFF..gymnastic buddies!!!


hugs for ella


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