Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Falcon Ridge Farm

Davis had his first field trip to Falcon Ridge Farm today and Emmy and I were so excited we got to join in on all the farm fun! First stop, petting zoo…They were both pretty excited to touch and pet some of their favorite animals!  

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Emmy had to take a picture with this spider, since itsy bitsy spider is one of her favorite songs!

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She really loved the next stop..the playground!

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ok I’m not going to lie, so did Davis and all the other children!

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He really thought the human fuse ball table was the coolest thing!

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Emmy kept saying she was princesses of the hay tower! HA!

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They both stayed on the ground a lot..from running and falling, to sliding down the incredible slides and just being silly!

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You can see the slide in the background…they got really excited about going down this together!

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Princess Emerson to the rescue…you would think she has an older brother with how brave she is…

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The corn maze was next and to be honest I was not too thrilled about it, secondary to being lost in one before, but we only got the question wrong once which meant only one dead end!! Thank goodness for smart people with horse smarts!

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Mrs. Penny and her students…yes these are all hers, yes she is a brave women, yes my family loves her so! They all did so well on the trip, and I know it is because of her temperament and kind heart they all love and respect her. She stole my little mans heart at the meet and greet so it took him no time! Medina is a growing school and they have large class sizes but she handles it with a smile and her class sticks out for being so well behaved because of it! Several parents from other classes even pointed it out today! Pat your self on the back Mrs. Penny, we sure love what you are doing with our babies.

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It was such a surprise to go on a field trip and see your best church buddy there..JCS also field tripped to the farm today, and D was so excited to run into Jack!

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Next stop hayride to the pumpkin patch…the moment these kids had all been waiting on….

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It took emmy less than a minute to find hers…Davis was another story, we were almost pulling off and he finally found the perfect one! HA!

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We were excited to find some of our kindergarten buddies from other classes in the patch too!

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Heading back…

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Next up…train ride….Emmy was fought over by all the sweet kids in Davis’ class about where she should ride on the train…Who do you think had to protect his sister and sit ride beside her….

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Davis and Mrs. Penny!

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I signed Davis out after the train ride and we explored a little on our own before heading back to Milan…

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and got to see another sweet buddy in another class…JACKSON

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pretended to be bulls on the the bouncy balls

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checked out some chickens with crazy hair…Davis compared their hair to his on an early morning rise..ha!

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and after naps we had to paint our pumpkins….


We had such a fun time at the farm and look forward to many more memories with D and E at school!

Photos from my phone, because you know one camera just isn’t enough! HA!


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