Monday, October 6, 2014

Happy Fall

WE broke out the GOOD camera yesterday in celebration of a new season…FALL!

Do you think my boy likes the camera a bit? He always has been voted best smile and most photogenic! HA!

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Little miss pumpkin is finally starting to like the camera….although her smile may be a little fake?

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My sweet fall pumpkins!

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She is searching for something, just not sure what it is yet…check out them boots, she. loves.them!

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This guy has an imagination out of this world, you would never believe what he was up to!

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Somebody wanted to go on a walk, so she got her a stroller and went at it, it’s a good thing we live in the country!

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When daddy showed up she was all his!! Wrapped around his/her finger!

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These two decided to put on a show and wrestle for falls sake…mercy they are a mess and keep me very busy!!!

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We woke up this morning and continued celebrating fall by heading to the pumpkin patch!

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They loved looking for the BEST one!

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Emerson especially loved all the décor at the patch…

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Where’s Emerson? She is my little pumpkin. Very sweet, spunky and super talkative these days!

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Next up my biggest pumpkin… sweetest, smartest and most tender hearted boy I know! 

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My pumpkins are ready for this new season and enjoy celebrating each new holiday with lots of decorations and crafts!

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Emmy looking for her favorite pumpkin..

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She got her pumpkin now she is ready to go.

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IT’s fall ya’ll!

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My sweet loves…

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A sweet girl walked up and got some family photos for us….

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We had to rush home, per the kids and paint the pumpkins immediately.

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