Tuesday, October 28, 2014

FALL BREAK & they’re back

The kiddos went to see Mia and Pops for a couple days on their fall break and let’s just say Walker and I got lots accomplished but we sure missed these two!


our house got a lot messier when they arrived…but we wouldn’t have it any other way.


We spent the next weekend camping and I subbed for Mrs. Allison during might night…but she showed up at the end and this is what happened…THEY LOVE HER! WE ARE SO BLESSED!


Emmy and I had lots of catching up to do…She keeps me highly entertained!




and play dough creations and hats….keeps getting better and better!


She even got moved to a big girl bed in her big girl room (pics to come) and I felt like she grew up right in front of my eyes! This is from her video monitor..she is so little on such a big bed!


Of course my cowboy keeps me entertained and smiling as well!


I mean look at that fake kindergarten smile, how could you ask for more?


When I met Mom to get the kids we stopped to see my dad’s mom, grannie, and the kids melted my heart with her, especially Davis. He is such a sensitive soul and he loves those who can’t always love back. While pregnant with him and working in a Skilled Nursing Facility he was prayed over many times by the residents and I believe he has such a big heart for the elderly because of it!


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