Friday, October 10, 2014

VIDEOS and such

For some reason or another my videos would not post last week so here are some recent videos of the kiddos…

Emerson sure loves to pretend and dress up and this particular night, daddy needed her fancy shoes…She turned him into a frog! HA!


Don’t you love having great friends who have kids who get along with your kids? We do and we sure enjoyed the Gatlins visit last weekend. The kids were busy, fun and did I say busy! HA! And the adult conversation was broken but fun too!


We even enjoyed a date night while Jill baby entertained the two kiddos! Love sweet time alone with my hubby!


A girls night was icing on the cake with these ladies! Perfect toenail polish, great memories and the best girlfriends around!


It is finally getting cool enough to wear some of our Halloween attire, today Miss Emmy told me she was the good witch!


Gymnastics is always the highlight of miss Emmy's week and this week was no exception!


We even snuck a visit with sweet cousin mack and showed him our pumpkin we got at aldi! Emmy was totally proud of her find!


Lunch without this sweet guy is just not the same so we surprised him with a special lunch date or two!~


Life is so sweet with such sweet people to share it with! Blessed immeasurable more than I can think of or imagine.

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