Thursday, July 30, 2015

First grade here he comes!!

Is this really happening? School is beginning and open house was tonight. We stopped by to see Mrs. Penney first. Davis has said all summer long he cannot leave her and he must stay with her for first grade too! Sweet guy! The moment he saw Mrs. Sheehan I knew things were gonna be perfect. She hugged him, and me and he has not stopped smiling since. He is a momma’s boy through and through and I’m okay as long as he is okay and visa versa!

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Next up, we found his kindergarten sweetheart in the halls and snagged a quick picture! The two are parting this year in different classes, so we shall see how this relationship goes…HA!

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Davis is super pumped about all the familiar faces, especially his big buddy Jackson!

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So you know what that means…little sisters together AGAIN! I’m pretty sure they were just as excited as the brothers!

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Sweet girl wanted more and more pictures tonight!

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Davis left MES tonight feeling pretty awesome about the wonderful teachers he was blessed with, and this momma is praising God for answered prayers!

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Here we go another year…

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It’s safe to say no matter how big or how old this little guy will always be MINE! He has my whole heart!

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Last year we ended the night with ice cream so we decided to make it a tradition…


A couple of shots from kindergarten open house..

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Our week before school starts back…


Can this really be happening? Summer is coming to an official halt with the start of school on Monday and we are in complete denial! We played hard and loved BIG this week so we would be a little closer to school ready next week. Our week has been packed with played dates, water and hair cuts!!

Monday we spent some time with the Barrios family! Love sweet moments with these five!


During nap time D and I crafted and he loved making parachutes for his army men!


Tuesday we played in the water with the Strickland's!!! 


Wednesday was the best playgroup yet! We had lots of yummy food and made lots of memories!


Wednesday evening we had a back to school bash for all the upcoming first graders…


Here is the one I was watching!!!



These two cannot be more excited to be in class together this year!


Today, Thursday D got  the shortest hair cut yet and he HATES it! Oh well, maybe it will grow! HA!


We had a water balloon fight to cool down, and it was VERY intense…so mommy got involved, and soaked!



Next we hooked up the wagon to the jeep and had some good ole country fun!


Next week will be hard for us all…BUT.. I am praying for an amazing school year, where the halls and classrooms will be flooded with Him and all of His wisdom!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Here comes the bride..Victoria gets married!


My cousin, Victoria got married this weekend in Berea Kentucky. She was our flower girl in our wedding and I must say we definitely felt old watching her marry her husband! The kids enjoyed the hotel weekend and it was nice spending some time with the family , we just missed Jarrett and Stephanie!

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The venue was perfect and HOT!!! The ceremony precious and I had some fun capturing pictures and I was amazing at how we call corridated so well despite not planning ahead!

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The most handsome 6 year old I know!

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We sat in a VERY sunny spot and Emmy had a lot to say about the ceremony so daddy and her ended up watching from the side..I got so many cute pictures this way. This girl sure is a mommas girl, but she gave daddy lots of her time today!

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Victoria and Randy

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Waiting to leave..Pops and his GRANDS

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Mia and Emmy could not have matched any cuter if we would have planned it…

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We had lots of time in the lobby waiting for dinner, so…..PICTURES we took!

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There was so much to play in this tiny room..HA!

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FINALLY…getting to eat…and play, of course!

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Emmy kept calling Victoria a princess in her wedding gown, so we had to get a picture with her!

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Had such a BEAUTIFUL time this weekend. It was a LONG drive and the wedding was HOT but making memories with my family was PERFECT!