Thursday, July 30, 2015

Our week before school starts back…


Can this really be happening? Summer is coming to an official halt with the start of school on Monday and we are in complete denial! We played hard and loved BIG this week so we would be a little closer to school ready next week. Our week has been packed with played dates, water and hair cuts!!

Monday we spent some time with the Barrios family! Love sweet moments with these five!


During nap time D and I crafted and he loved making parachutes for his army men!


Tuesday we played in the water with the Strickland's!!! 


Wednesday was the best playgroup yet! We had lots of yummy food and made lots of memories!


Wednesday evening we had a back to school bash for all the upcoming first graders…


Here is the one I was watching!!!



These two cannot be more excited to be in class together this year!


Today, Thursday D got  the shortest hair cut yet and he HATES it! Oh well, maybe it will grow! HA!


We had a water balloon fight to cool down, and it was VERY intense…so mommy got involved, and soaked!



Next we hooked up the wagon to the jeep and had some good ole country fun!


Next week will be hard for us all…BUT.. I am praying for an amazing school year, where the halls and classrooms will be flooded with Him and all of His wisdom!

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