Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Saturday, going home

Going home from the most magical place in the world is tough, but we left high on drama. Our room was leaking from the ceiling when we got back on Friday evening and after about 6 phone calls and waiting over 4 hours for them to come fix it we gave up and went to bed. When we woke up on Saturday we found they NEVER came and a lot of our things were soaked. After making another phone call and the head of maintenance coming to our room we went home with BUNCHES of new toys and about 3 nights stay worth of money back in Meme’s pocket.



Princess Cinderella came back with this, by the way is she REALLY asleep?


Heading home…


Our luggage took forever, lala and rob’s never made it! AH!


Traveling is tough stuff! So glad they are such troopers and did amazing on this trip!


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